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The Innocence Podcast
Listen to first-hand accounts of those who have been wrongly accused, in our new podcast from the Manchester Innocence Project.
Our research
Find out more about our world-leading, empirical research, centred around three key themes.
Centres and institutes
Our specialised centres and institutes ensure our research is focused and shapes the future.
Our research addresses major social, economic and political challenges in the UK and world-wide.
Making a difference
Read about our social responsibility activities at local, national and international level, and get involved.
Schools and colleges
We offer support for secondary schools and adults who are interested in returning to education.
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Quick links
- Criminology
- Economics
- Law
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Social Anthropology
- Social Statistics
- Sociology
- Sustainable Consumption Institute
- Morgan Centre for Research into Everyday Lives
- The Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis
- Political Economy Centre
- The Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research
- Student intranet
- Staff intranet