About us
The focus of the Centre for Digital Trust and Society is on barriers to and enablers of trust in digital technologies.
The Centre drives forward an interdisciplinary research agenda that is timely and innovative, building a holistic, interdisciplinary understanding of what trust and security could be, and should be, in the digital era.
The focus of the Centre is on barriers to and enablers of trust in digital technologies. Our scope includes cybersecurity but goes beyond this: we see digital security as part of a set of broader issues of trust and trustworthiness, distrust and trust exploitation, and trust-building and resilience.
The Centre is led from Humanities and is situated within the Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research. However, we bring together researchers from across the University and our six research clusters are led from Criminology, Politics, Social Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics, and the Alliance Manchester Business School.
We work with a wide and diverse range of external collaborators, including with colleagues in academic institutions in the UK and beyond, and with industry, regional and national government, civil society organisations, and the police. We are leading members of regional and national initiatives such as SPRITE+ (the national EPSRC Network plus for Security, Privacy, Identity and Trust in the Digital Economy), the GM CyberFoundry, the Manchester Digital Innovation and Security Hub (DISH) and the ARM Centre of Excellence.
The Centre leads the Digital Trust and Security theme within the University’s Digital Futures platform, which brings together over 1700 researchers from different disciplines into multidisciplinary communities to tackle important research problems, build critical mass in new and emerging research areas and work with others to support Greater Manchester's development as a leading digital city.