About us
A substantial body of research has been conducted, and is being conducted, at The University of Manchester in the areas of economic growth and business cycles.
Our research is both theoretical and empirical. It reflects the common interests of a critical mass of individuals who work regularly and publish widely in these two major areas of macroeconomics.
Economic studies are unique in the UK. As they have strength and depth in both the theoretical modelling and econometric analysis of growth and business cycle phenomena.
Our aims
The Growth and Business Cycle Research Group (GBCR), previously known as The Centre of Growth and Business Cycle Research, (CGBCR), was established with the following aims and objectives:
- to provide a focus for the thriving and wide-ranging research on the growth and business cycles at Manchester;
- to foster the cross-fertilisation of ideas and the collaboration on projects among those people involved in this research; and
- to provide a forum for the discussion and dissemination of similar research that is being undertaken in the wider academic community.
Supporters and directors
The GBCR team operates a vibrant research culture which embraces many disciplines in economics. The group seeks to contribute to important contemporary debates in economic growth and development, macroeconomic fluctuations and stability, and government intervention and policy.
The activities of the GBCR have been kindly supported by research grants from:
- the Economic and Social Research Council;
- the Bank of England; and
- the Leverhulme Trust.
The Directors of the Growth and Business Cycle Research Group are George Bratsiotis and Akos Valentinyi.