
A team of almost 200 teaching, research and support staff keep us at the forefront of legal and socio-legal education.

Our range of knowledge and experience makes us one of the biggest and most diverse law schools in the UK.

This means we can offer quality expertise and support to all our students, graduates and research connections.

Teaching and research staff

Carolyn Abbot

Research specialisms: environmental regulation, regulatory enforcement tools and practices, public participation, access to justice.

Orkun Akseli
Professor in Commercial Law

Research specialisms: secured transactions, corporate finance, arbitration and mediation, law reform and global lawmaking, sale of goods.

Neil Allen
Senior Lecturer (Law)

Research specialisms: mental health and incapacity law, Court of Protection, advocacy.

Eleanor Aspey
Senior Lecturer in Law

Research specialisms: EU public procurement law, utilities procurement, inclusion of social and environmental policies in procurement.

Guy Baldwin
Lecturer in Public Law and Human Rights

Vincenzo Bavoso
Professor in Commercial Law

Research specialisms: corporate law, corporate governance, structured finance, financial regulation.

Becki Bennett
Professor of Bioethics

Research specialisms: diverse issues in bioethics.

Iain Brassington

Research specialisms: bioethics, medical ethics, medical law, jurisprudence.

Dr Fiona Brimblecombe
Lecturer in Law

Research specialism: privacy, free expression, defamation, GDPR.

Nicolette Butler
Senior Lecturer in Law

Research specialisms: international economic law, international commercial arbitration, trade and investment policy, investment and human rights.

Neil Cobb
Senior Lecturer in Law

Research specialisms: criminal law, law, gender and sexuality, land law.

Alan Cunningham
Lecturer in Law

Research specialisms: law and IT, Intellectual Property (IP) law, copyright law, law and contemporary art, law and appropriation.

Margaret Cunningham
Senior Lecturer in Law

Amber Darr
Lecturer in Competition Law

Research specialisms: Competition Law, South Asia, Human Rights, Economic Inequality, sustainability, Institutional Design, Transnational Competition

Jean d’Aspremont
Chair in Public International Law

Research specialisms: statehood, sources of international law, state responsibility, the law of international organizations, international dispute settlement, the law of armed conflicts.

Sarah Devaney
Professor in Healthcare Law and Regulation.

Research specialisms: regulation of emerging biotechnologies, regulation of professionals, regulation in the food supply chain.

Elaine Dewhurst
Senior Lecturer in Employment Law

Research specialisms: employment law, European law, human rights law, immigration law.

Dimitrios Doukas
Reader in EU Law

Research specialisms: European Union law, EU internal market and economic law, EU media and entertainment law, European and comparative public law.

Philip Drake
Senior Lecturer

Research specialisms: clinical law, legal ethics and social responsibility, accessory liability in equity for assistance in a breach of trust.

Lucy Frith
Professor in Bioethics

Research specialisms: Bioethics, social science, qualitative methods

Michael Galanis
Senior Lecturer in Company Law

Research specialisms: company law, corporate governance, securities regulation, law and economics.

Javier Garcia Oliva
Head of Department, Professor of Law

Research specialisms: law and religion/constitutional law, devolution, tribunals.

Fae Garland
Senior Lecturer in Socio-Legal Studies

Research specialisms: socio-legal studies, feminist legal theory, intersex rights and law, family law and gender studies.

Simona Giordano
Professor of Bioethics

Research specialisms: psychiatric ethics, bioethics eating disorders, gender identity.

Nicola Glover-Thomas
Professor of Law

Research specialisms: medical law, mental health law, private law, pharmaceuticals and law.

Luke Graham
Lecturer in Law

Research specialisms: Human Rights, Public Law, Poverty, Destitution, Clothing.

Ruby Hammer
Senior Lecturer in Law

Research specialisms: employers' liability and vicarious liability, legal education and pedagogy.

Phil Handler
Senior Lecturer

Research specialisms: criminal law, legal history.

Ashley Hannay
Lecturer in Property Law

Research specalisms: legal history; modern property law; trusts; uses.

John Haskell
Professor in Law

Research specialisms: sociology of expertise and idea production of governance across a number of regulatory/industry regimes.

Soren Holm
Professor of Bioethics

Research specialisms: health care ethics, bioethics, philosophy of medicine, intersection between bioethics and law.

Kirsty Keywood
Senior Lecturer

Research specialisms: medical law, gender and law, mental health law.

Aristea Koukiadaki
Professor of Labour Law and Industrial Relations

Research specialisms: empirical study of law, applied legal and policy analysis, labour regulation, corporate governance, EU social policy.

Ruth Lamont
Reader in Family and Child Law

Research specialisms: law relating to the family and children.

Joseph Lee
Reader in Corporate and Financial Law

Research Specialisms: AI, Fintech, Legal Tech.

Gary Lynch-Wood
Senior Lecturer in Corporate Governance

Research specialisms: rule-following and the impact on regulatory compliance and culture, age discrimination, corporate social responsibility.

Claire Mcgourlay
Professor in Legal Education

Research specialisms: miscarriages of justice, wrongful convictions, criminal evidence. 

Victoria Moore
Lecturer in Healthcare Law

Research Specialisms: healthcare law and regulation, patient safety.

Alexandra Mullock
Senior Lecturer in Medical Law

Research specialisms: end-of-life law, the legitimacy of ethically contentious medical interventions, regulation of health care professionals via the criminal law, law and ethics of cosmetic surgery.

Yenkong Ngangjoh Hodu
Professor in Law

Research specialisms: theories and practice of international trade law, public international law, intellectual property rights law, investment law, international development law.

Annette Nordhausen Scholes
Lecturer In Law

Research specialisms: consumer law, internet law, commercial law, financial services law, private international law, European private law, European contract law.

Rachael Ntongho
Lecturer in Law

Amanda Odell-West

Lecturer in Law

Research specialisms: the legal protection of emerging health (including assisted reproductive) technologies, comparative patent law.

Pinar Oruc
Lecturer in Commercial Law

Research specialisms: intellectual property law, especially copyright, and its intersection with technology, cultural property law, art law and Indigenous rights.

Geoff Pearson
Professor of Law

Research specialisms: policing, human rights, sports law, crowd behaviour and management, football ‘hooliganism’, ethnography.

Iain Scobbie
Chair in International Law

Research specialisms: public international law, law, human rights, and peace building in the Middle East.

Catherine Stanton
Lecturer in Medical Law and Bioethics

Research specialisms: healthcare and criminal law, legal and ethical issues relating to the use of genetic information within the family.

Robert Thomas
Professor of Public Law

Research specialisms: administrative justice and rule-making, law and public policy implementation, administrative accountability, asylum and immigration law.

Gillian Ulph
Senior Lecturer

Research specialisms: equity and trusts, land law, property law, legal skills, legal education.

Joanne Urmtson
Lecturer in Law

Fintan Walker
Lecturer in Clinical Legal Education

Shiling Xiao
Lecturer in Law

Research specialisms: constitutional law, administrative law, and comparative law.

Abubhakri Yenkini
Lecturer in Conflict of Law

Research Specialisms: jurisdiction and enforcement of foreign judgments; private International law and AfCFTA.

Qinqing Xu
Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law

Ricardo Buendia
Lecturer in Law

Yusra Suedi
Lecturer in International Law

Petra Larsen
Lecturer in Law

Dr. John Picton
Reader in Law and Deputy Head of Law Department

Parveen Morris
Lecturer in Law

Plamien Dinev
Lecturer in Law

Jenny Gibbons
Lecturer in Law

Suzanne Gower
Lecturer in Law

Geraint Howells

Jack Kenny
Lecturer in Law

Fiona Lakareber
Lecturer in Law

Naomi Lumsdaine
Lecturer in Law

Emma Nyhan
Lecturer in Law

Ayade Onireti
Lecturer in Law

Helen Rodway
Lecturer in Law

Emma Scali
Lecturer in Law

Niyoosha Shishehgar
Lecturer in Law

Justina Uriburu
Lecturer in Law

Kyriaki Vassiliou
Lecturer in Law

Emeritus Professor

Margot Brazier
Emeritus Professor 

Thomas Gibbons
Emeritus Professor

Neville Harris
Emeritus Professor of Law

Joseph Jaconelli
Emeritus Professor

Anthony Ogus
Emeritus Professor of Law

Howard Parker
Emeritus Professor

Asif Qureshi
Emeritus Professor

Frank Stephen
Emeritus Professor of Regulation

Honorary staff

Gillian Brailley
Honorary Lecturer (Teaching & Research)

Sarah-Jane Brown
Honorary Research Fellow

Hazel Carty
Honorary Reader

Nicola Chadwick
Honorary Lecturer

Kathryn Downs
Honorary Lecturer (Teaching & Research)

Alistair Maiden
Honorary Professor 

Nogar Ofer
Honorary Research Fellow 

Tunde Okewale
Honorary Lecturer (Teaching and Research)

Malcolm Oswald
Honorary Research Fellow

Elena Pineros
Honorary Research Fellow

Maria Smirnova
Honorary Research Fellow

Mary Vogel
Honorary Professor

David Williamson 
Honorary Senior Research Fellow

Harriet Lipkin
Honorary Lecturer