The 'Medical Decision-Making: Ethics and Law' continuing professional development course at The University of Manchester is provided online in a virtual learning environment.
It explores all aspects of medical and healthcare decision-making, with opportunities to reflect on cases and activities to help you focus on your learning.
The course is ideal if you are working in the healthcare or legal sector, are interested in this area, and requires no previous training.
About the course
Each course unit walks you through the main issues, a summary of these issues to consolidate your study and finishes with a multiple-choice quiz to check your progress.
We provide further reading suggestions to follow up areas of interest, as well as full access to University resources including online journals and databases.
The course units are:
- Introduction to Health Care Ethics and Law (6 study hours).
- Introduction to Law and Legal Research (1.5 study hours).
- The Moral and Legal Importance of the Principle of Respect for Individual autonomy (3 study hours).
- The Importance of Valid Legal Consent (3 study hours).
- How Much Information is Enough? (3 study hours).
- Mental Capacity, Competence and Consent (4 study hours).
- Refusal and Withdrawal of Treatment (3 study hours).
- Treating Children and Adolescents (5 study hours).
- Confidentiality (4 study hours).
Course fees
The cost of the course is £600. Fully inclusive of tuition, administration and computational costs during your studies.
NHS employees and The University of Manchester alumni are eligible to receive a 10% discount on course fees.
When can you start?
Flexible entry means you can enrol anytime and have one year to complete the course. You can study at your own pace, when and where you want.
Want to talk to someone?
If you have any questions about the course, distance learning, or how to apply, you can reach Leanne Tuite on her email or call +44 (0)161 464 0595.
For help and advice about enrolment, contact Professor Rebecca Bennett.
View all our CPD courses on offer via the eStore.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this course. The content is interesting and written in a clear and concise manner. Being an online course I can pick it up whenever convenient and having a short quiz at the end of each section is brilliant to test my recall. Having no essays to write made this course possible for me as I generally have a very busy schedule already!
Dr Louise Turnball / CPD student