Lindsay Florence Wanyoto Mutende


Why did you choose this course at The University of Manchester Law School?

Lindsay Florence Wanyoto  Mutende
Lindsay Mutende moved to Manchester from Uganda to study Law.

Manchester has a good reputation as a Russel Group University and good ranking on a national level in LLB Law undergraduate.

Hopefully this will aid with job applications in the near future.

What do you most enjoy about studying here?

I enjoy the library spaces and the organisation.

What has been the highlight of your course so far?

So far the highlight has been the cases. I get the theory aspects confused at times but the cases help to guide through.

The lectures have proven to be more useful I terms of time than the seminars. Seminars don’t always answer all the set questions due to time which can be frustrating.

However, lectures have in-depth detail that makes understanding core texts and cases easier.

Have you been involved in any of the Law societies or events?

I am a member of the Manchester University Law Society (MULS) but it is not quite what I expected.

I do enjoy some of the social events that they hold to allow students to get better acquainted with top tier law firms in the UK.

However, I think choosing mid-week events such as a Wednesday night quiz is disruptive in terms of school work schedules. Nevertheless, the events are well decorated.

What are your plans after graduation, and how do you feel studying at Manchester has prepared you? 

After graduation I am still weighing up my options on whether to go onto a Master's in International business or sit the bar or take on another language.

The good thing about Manchester is that it offers foreign language classes. As a member of the International Society I can start French in January at a discount price which can help in narrowing down my future plans. 

What advice would you give to new Law students at Manchester?

Buy all the core textbooks on day one in the midst of fresher's week. The safest combination is to attend as many lectures and office hours as possible. Always do every question in a seminar task sheet. The further reading is daunting so save that for long holidays. Sit in the front of lectures to avoid sleeping.