Global Political Economy
Manchester has been central to global political economy debates since the mid-19th century, when both liberal free traders and Marx and Engels found a home here. They articulated some of the key ideas which our members still grapple with today.
The Global Political Economy cluster focuses research on a series of key questions regarding the dynamics of global capitalism. How does it depend on and reproduce key forms of inequality around race, gender, sexuality, class and geography? What drives its crisis-prone qualities? What are the main ideological forms that sustain it and seem to make resistance to its power so difficult? How is it integral to the production of ecological unsustainability and can it survive the challenge of the climate crisis? What are the main current debates in the critique of global capitalism?
Colleagues and PhD students within the cluster work on a range of these questions in various specific contexts, including:
- Gender, sexuality, race and class in the global political economy
- Trade, finance, and global production
- The politics of global economic governance
- Political economy of the environmental crisis and the pursuit of sustainability
- Ideology and the legitimation of capitalism, especially neoliberalism
- Resistance and social movements in the global economy
- Political economy of various world regions, especially Europe, Africa, and Latin America
- Sherilyn Macgregor is the project lead for the Centre for Joined Up Sustainability Transformations (JUST), a major £8m research initiative funded by ESRC and UKRI focused on the pursuit of sustainability transformations that are people-centred, ‘joined-up’ and socially just. Bringing together the universities of Manchester, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, and Newcastle, and with partners in the policy, innovation, business, local government, community and voluntary sector, it seeks to accelerate understanding of a just transition through coordinating research into action at all levels of society. The Manchester team also includes Mat Paterson.
- Ellie Gore’s book, Between HIV Prevention and LGBTI Rights: The Political Economy of Queer Activism in Ghana was published in October 2024 and is available open access.
- Ian Bruff’s work on authoritarian neoliberalism was discussed at a workshop in June 2024 in Kings College London.
- Greig Charnock’s book, David Harvey: A Critical Introduction to His Thought, was published in 2023.
- The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and ESRC-funded project Gendering Global Trade through Canada-UK Trade Relationships led by Adrienne Roberts and Silke Trommer; Roberts and Trommer also lead the SheTrades: Gendering Global Trade Governance project, funded by the SSHRC.
- Mat Paterson was the recipient of the 2020 Distinguished Scholar Award from the Environmental Studies section of the International Studies Association. His book, In Search of Climate Politics, was published in 2021.
- The project Foundations and Frontiers in IPE co-led by Stuart Shields and supported by the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust.
Academic staff
- Ian Bruff (Critical political economy, European political economy, neoliberalism, critical social theory, capitalist diversity)
- Greig Charnock (Contemporary global capitalism, crisis and austerity in Europe, critical theory (Marxism), theories of the production of space)
- Carl Death (African politics, development studies, environmental politics, protest and resistance)
- Ellie Gore (feminist and queer political economy, gender, sexuality, labour, and the political economy of development)
- Sherilyn MacGregor (Environmental politics; feminist/gender politics; urban sustainability; social movements; citizenship and participation)
- Matthew Paterson (Climate change politics, environmental political economy, cultural political economy, social network analysis)
- Jasmin Ramovic (Peacebuilding, international political economy, ethnography in peace studies, everyday peace, social movements)
- Adrienne Roberts (International political economy, feminist political economy, gender, social reproduction, debt)
- Stuart Shields (International political economy, Eastern Europe, regional development banks, Gramsci, populism)
- Silke Trommer (International political economy, international trade, development, social movements, gender and IPE)
- Robert Watt (International political economy, environmental politics, climate change, development studies)
- Georgina Waylen (Gender and politics, comparative politics, feminist institutionalism, international political economy)
Associates and Alumni
- Joshua Barritt, ‘EU Foreign Policy Approaches to Environmental Security in Sub-Saharan Africa’. Supervised by Carl Death and Paul Tobin.
- Andrew Eggleston, ‘The Limits to Housing Policy in the UK’. Supervised by Greig Charnock and Adrienne Roberts.
- Jake Flavell, ‘Philanthrocapitalism, Development and "Chuggers": Contradiction, Antagonism and Ideology in Oxfam and Farm Africa's Development Solution’. Supervised by Carl Death and Japhy Wilson.
- Franco Galdini, ‘The post-Soviet space and Uzbekistan in the international division of labour: from transition to capital accumulation’. Supervised by Yoram Gorlizki and Stuart Shields.
- Konstantinos Kanellopoulos, ‘The Greek “great depression” vs. the modern “Greek Odyssey”: drawing lessons from history via the lens of political economy’. Supervised by Dimitris Papadimitriou and Stuart Shields.
- Anna-Maria Köhnke, ‘Establishing a “work index” of wellbeing: an investigation into working conditions as a fundamental welfare indicator’. Supervised by Sherilyn MacGregor and John O’Neill.
- Aliki Koutlou, ‘Debt beyond credit: exploring the rise and impact of utility arrears in Greece under austerity’. Supervised by Ian Bruff and Adrienne Roberts.
- Julija Loginovic, ‘The individualisation discourse in global neoliberal governance and its role in subjectivity production: the case of the World Development Report’. Supervised by Carl Death and Stuart Shields.
- Aino Ursula Mäki, ‘On the biopolitics of primitive accumulation: housewifisation in the global political economy’. Supervised by Sherilyn MacGregor and Adrienne Roberts.
- Davide Monaco, ‘The neoliberalisation process in Italy after the 2011 sovereign debt crisis: social forces, consensus and common sense’. Supervised by Ian Bruff and Dimitris Papadimitriou.
- Magdalena Rodekirchen, ‘Towards an intersectional analysis of human-nature relations in feminist political ecology: bridging the divide between the post-colonial and the posthuman’. Supervised by Sherilyn MacGregor and Mat Paterson.
- Konrad Sobczyk, ‘The mediation of EU competitiveness and trade policy in the comparative political economy of Sweden and Greece and its implications for exports of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises’. Supervised by Dimitris Papadimitriou and Silke Trommer.
- Charlotte Weatherill, ‘Vulnerability and resistance: a discourse analysis of global climate change politics’. Supervised by Carl Death and Mat Paterson.
- Joanna Flavell, 2017-21. From gender blind to gender bind: political strategies of the women and gender constituency in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Mario Hernandez Trejo, 2017-21. Payments for ecosystem services and the reproduction of capitalism in a Mexican rural landscape.
- Lewis Bassett-Yerrell, 2016-20. Corbynism and democracy: a political movement in and against neoliberalism.
- Esra Nartok, 2016-20. The relationship between religion and politics under neoliberalism in India and Turkey - a Gramscian perspective. Now a Lecturer at Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey.
- Mertcan Öztürk, 2016-2019. ‘Distinction versus recognition: making sense of the Tophane incidents in the context of gentrification’. Now a Lecturer in Politics at Giresse University, Turkey.
- Will Harvey. 2016-2019. Global Transformations and the British Working Class, 1997-2010. Now Policy Analyst, House of Lords, UK Parliament.
- Kai Heron, 2015-2019. “Many Struggles, One Fight:” Deleuze|Guattari, Lacan, and the US Anti-Fracking Movement.
- Christian Scholz, 2016-19. The Politics of Competitiveness Adjustment of the Euro-Area. A Critical Policy Analysis of European Integration in Times of Crisis. Currently teaching at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.
- Muhammad Rakhmat. 2015-18. Examining the implications of the Belt Road Initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Now a lecturer at the University of Indonesia.
- Malgorzata Jakimow, NGOs, labour and space: migrant workers and the remaking of citizenship in China, 2013-2015. Now Assistant Professor in East Asian Politics at Durham University.
- Gediminas Lesutis, 2015-18. The Politics of Precarity and Global Capitalist Expansion: The Case of Mining, Dispossession and Suffering in Tete, Mozambique. Now a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Geography at the University of Cambridge.
- Anna Wienhues, 2015-18. Life in Common: Distributive Ecological Justice on a Shared Earth. Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Zürich.
- Simon Chin-Yee, 2015-18. Defining Policy: Drivers of Climate Change Policy in Kenya. Now Research Associate, Kings College London.
- Kelvin Charles, 2014-17. The Common in Hardt and Negri. Commercial Operations Manager (non-academic).
- Jon Las Heras, 2014-17. Variegated Trade Union Strategies in the Spanish Automotive Industry. Lecturer in Industrial Economics, Universidad del País Vasco.
- Martín Arboleda, 2012-15. Resource Extraction and the Extension of the Urban Form. Lecturer in Sociology, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile.
- Giulia Sirigu, 2012-15. Continuity and Change in Mexican Foreign Policy under Fox. Representative, Italian Chamber of Commerce.
- Ilias Alami, 2015-18. Post-crisis capital account policies in emerging capitalisms: regaining policy space? A comparison between Brazil and South Africa. Now postdoctoral fellow for at Maastricht University, on ERC-funded SWFsEurope project.
- Caroline Metz, 2015-18. Why is the European Union relaunching asset-securitisation? The politics of capital markets union and financial disintermediation. Now postdoctoral research associate at SPERI, Sheffield University.
- Laura White, 2010-15. Executive leadership in an international organisation: a case study of WTO Directors-General (1995-2013). Now International Trade Specialist at the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service.
- Nadim Mirshak, 2013-16. Education as resistance? Political education, civil society and the prospects of democratization in Egypt. Now Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Manchester.
Political Economy Centre
The Centre seeks to recapture and promote the idea of political economy as a concrete field of academic study.
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Sustainable Consumption Institute
The SCI aims to bring insight and clarity to a key aspect of the sustainability challenge: the role of consumption.
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