Global challenges
Our research searches for solutions to some of the world's most pressing problems.
Our researchers are currently working on addressing many of the global challenges identified by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, including those relating to poverty, health and wellbeing, reducing inequalities, decent work and economic growth, and responsible consumption.
Current projects
The perpetrators of modern slavery offences
Our aim is to understand modern slavery through first-hand interviews with trafficking offenders.
Climate justice
A free web tool for public service providers to identify vulnerability to climate change and fuel poverty.
The Beam Nuclear and Social Research Network
We investigate the nuclear industry and how it engages with the communities that surround it.
PROMISE: Youth involvement and social engagement
We explore how young people respond to conflict, and how this is perceived and managed by authorities.
Imagined futures of consumption
We analyse how the future consumption of goods and services is imagined by the general public and professional practitioners.
Does informality hinder self-enforcement? Evidence from VAT in Pakistan
We consider whether value-added tax (VAT) offers an enforcement advantage to raising Government revenue.